TEDxFuxingPark 2021:WONDER / TEDx复兴公园年度大会:奇迹
2021 Yearly Event:Wonder
In the movie <Wonder>, the boy Augie has a very different face, which leads to a series of frustrations in his and his family’s lives and meanwhile, it means growth, for all of them. Perhaps, we all have that face in some sense, and we all have that moment of insecurity and hard to blend in; we also are in need of a wonder, small or big, and we also face the choice between right and kindness.
At TEDxFuxingPark, we present you a series of speakers who have seen wonder firsthand in their life and work, big or small. They are brave enough to challenge themselves and embrace the power of Wonder. Come, with our speakers, let us listen to the distant sound, and also explore the meaning of true wonder. Let us witness wonder together.
在TEDx复兴公园沙⻰,我们带给您一系列来自不同背景的演讲人,在他们的生活和工作的探索中,曾经目睹过大大小小 奇迹的呈现,他们勇于挑战自我,拥抱奇迹的力量。来吧,和我们的讲者一起,聆听远方渺小的声音,也探索伟大的意义,让我们共同⻅证奇迹。
TEDx复兴公园 2021 年度大会 2021年5月22日周六
TEDxFuxingPark 2021 Date:May 22nd,2021
Pop up question when register
Our event will be in English and Chinese, 我们的大会将有中英文双语
您是否需要同声传译设备? Will you be needing the translation service?
If you‘ll need the device, please bring your ID+20rmb.(Or use alipay)
活 动 日 程
13:00-13:30 签到 Registration
13:30~15:00 SESSION 01
15:00~15:30 茶歇 Tea Break
15:30~17:30 SESSION 02
Special Group Discount available:
Above 5 ppl discount 10%OFF, Above 10 ppl discount 20%OFF, Above 20 ppl discount 30%OFF.
(To get a group discount, buy the tickets first, and we'll refund the discounted amount to you.
Please write to: Jingjing@tedxfuxingpark.org)
TEDx复兴公园自2014年初取得美国TED总部授权,以非盈利组织之方式独立运营。通过开展TEDx Salon, Conference, Live 等活动传播拓展思想的力量。 TED-Ideas Worth Spreading